overview plot characters pilots mechs vehicles buildings other

vehicles (and infantry)

unlike in mechcommander 1, vehicles aren't available for purchase for the player. however, the player can call in some types of vehicle during a mission, which you can't do in the first game.

name weight mobility speed payload
aerospotter 15 tons tracked 54 km/h 1 large laser, (calls in shilone airstrikes)
APC 15 tons wheeled 86 km/h (none)
armoured car 5 tons wheeled 86 km/h 1 machine gun array
attack copter 35 tons VTOL 86 km/h 1 medium autocannon
cargo truck 25 tons wheeled 54 km/h (none)
centipede 15 tons hover 97 km/h 1 large laser
drillson 50 tons hover 65 km/h 8 streak SRM packs
fuel truck 20 tons wheeled 54 km/h (none)
harasser 20 tons hover 86 km/h 2 streak SRM packs
heavy copter 50 tons VTOL 65 km/h 4 streak SRM packs, 2 pulse lasers
hetzer 40 tons wheeled 54 km/h 1 heavy autocannon
hunter 25 tons tracked 86 km/h 3 LRM racks
infantry < 1 ton foot 17 km/h 1 machine gun array
jeep 5 tons wheeled 65 km/h (none)
legion 100 tons tracked 2 streak SRM packs, 2 lasers, 2 gauss rifles
LRM carrier 50 tons wheeled 54 km/h 5 LRM racks
minelayer 30 tons tracked 54 km/h (lays mines)
partisan 80 tons tracked 54 km/h 4 light autocannons
power armour 5 tons foot 34 km/h 1 laser, 1 streak SRM pack
repair truck 20 tons tracked 54 km/h (repairs mechs)
resource truck 20 tons wheeled 54 km/h (capturable for RPs)
scimitar 25 tons hover 86 km/h 2 flamer arrays
scout copter 5 tons VTOL 119 km/h 1 machine gun array
shilone bomber 10 tons CTOL(?) 54 km/h (performs airstrikes)
storm 60 tons tracked 54 km/h 2 PPCs
swarm LRM carrier 50 tons wheeled 54 km/h 5 swarm LRM racks
troop transport 25 tons tracked 54 km/h (none)
vedette 50 tons tracked 65 km/h 1 medium autocannon