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mechcommander 2

mechcommander 2 was released on the 19th of july 2001, and is a sequel to mechcommander (1998). it's set in 3063 on carver V, a planet caught admist civil war, with the player being a mercenary commander who has been sent to deal with some bandit forces. there are three campaigns, with the mercenaries being hired by a different house in each one. the third campaign has you work for house davion and the partisans, which results in the freedom and independence of carver V.

the game has 24 missions in total, as well as five training missions. before each mission, there are briefing videos from the various characters you are working for, as well as video transmissions during the actual missions as well. there are also cinematics before the game and at various points during it, with news broadcasts detailing events in the war. i think the first mechcommander game is the probably better of the two, but mechcommander 2 is still my favourite because i played it first and therefore i am blinded by nostalgia.

my MC2 disc :)