anna "thunderbolt" helen
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basic info
a thin white person with often brightly dyed hair, usually worn loose at shoulder length with a fringe that gets in their eyes. they have scarring from dermatitis on their face and short black sideburns and moustache. they wear bright colours and often have two large dangly earrings in the shape of thunderbolts, or some other weather-themed jewellery or accessory. before their exile, they wore much less bright clothes and accessories.
the child of helenport's (a small periphery world) ruling family, who concerned themself mostly with preparing to become the next ruler. during a civilian uprising against their family, they attended a peace negotiation meal and attempted to have the rebel leaders poisoned out of their intense loyalty to their family. the poison attempt led to a battle before the negotiations could be finished, and most of the resistance command were killed. thunderbolt was exiled by their family, and ended up joining the resistance they had once tried to destroy once the clans invaded their planet.
a lively and outgoing person, using any means of entertainment to distract themself from the civilian uprising, the massacre, their attempted exile by their family, and the clan invasion. loyal and with a sense of duty - to a fault. finds it difficult to admit that they made a huge mistake in initiating a battle. very protective of family and friends, even if it means harming others. often uses minor things as an excuse to get into some sort of conflict/argument. actually quite enjoys conflict.
before their attempted exile, thunderbolt acted less energetic, and was much more reserved. their poisoning attempt was not on impulse, but a calculated move.
thunderbolt and their lance were sent by the royal family to go to a peace negotiation meal with the helenport resistance leaders. the monarchy had made a secret deal (unknown to thunder and their sister) to let the clans use helenport as a base for attacking nearby planets, and it return the clans would wipe out the resistance. the monarchist forces had been stretched thin, and the monarchy wanted a brief period of peace so that they could last until the clans arrived. thunderbolt had no idea of this, and bribed a cook at the peace negotiation meal to poison the resistance leaders. however, the cook was caught before the food was finished, and the resistance leaders turned on thunderbolt and their lance. each side fled to their mechs and a battle ensued that wiped out the resistance leaders, including the helenport resistance unit founder/leader merlin boots, and a number of civilians in the local area.
thunderbolt returned to the palace, expecting to be awarded for taking out the resistance command, however their parents were furious, as it endangered their plans with the clanners. after they revealed their plans to thunderbolt, thunderbolt was shocked that they would endanger the local planets that had always been loyal to the monarchy, as well as endanger their own planet. thunderbolt and their lance were exiled, however none of them were able to leave helenport, as the clanners soon arrived and put the starport on lockdown.
thunderbolt watched as the clanners seized more vital services like the starport and the HPGs, and they knew their family had made a mistake. thunderbolt wanted to help their family get out of the agreement they had made with the clans, but thunderbolt knew their loyalty would be and had been wasted on their family. they ended up seeking out the resistance and joining it, even though most members were wary and suspicious of them. most anti-clan resistance members had been part of the anti-monarchy resistance before.