jerome blake

when i had a renewed interest in battletech in 2022 the general idea of comstar and martyrdom and such really fascinated me, and i was really interested in jerome blake (and even name a pet snail after him lmao), and i guess my love for him just sort of grew from there. also i'm very interested in archiving and preservation of knowledge and i want to do a masters in digital archiving, so like i feel like i understand where he's coming from in some aspects.

i know he canonically never had any love and no time for anything much outside of comstar, but i still like to think that i could have given him love. i like to imagine jerome blake and conrad toyama could both be my husbands, although i definitely don't view their relationship to each other as romantic at all.

^ that was the first drawing i did of jerome and conrad

also i'm including the mechassault 2 jerome blake bc i think it's funny that they made him look like a romantic era composer lmao: