mike soup and dr goondis from the hotdaga.
 "if i do this wrong, they'll name warships after me. or battlemechs." conrad toyama, from battletech. drawn after i read intentions (the short story from the second succession war sourcebook) several times. the glowing golden "halo" behind him is the comstar logo.
 "the moment was so fragile. like a bird in his hands." conrad toyama, from battletech, inspired by the intentions short story.
 a redraw of a panel of foswell and the enforcers from the ultimate spider-man comics.
 redraw of a panel of the enforcers (ox, fancy dan, and montana) from a spider-man noir comic (i think), with their designs mostly taken from the spectacular spider-man cartoon and comics.
 doctor octopus from spider-man 2.
 my design for mysterio, inspired from the spectacular spider-man and the comics.
 redraw of a screenshot of mysterio from the spectacular spider-man cartoon.
 edwin odesseiron from baldur's gate 1.
 xan from baldur's gate 1.
 the artilleryman, playing cards in book 2 of the war of the worlds.
 the artilleryman. after spending a while researching artillery uniforms from that era, this is as book accurate and (probably) historically accurate as i think he can get.
 an experimental painting of darth revan from star wars knights of the old republic, with their mask/sith lord outfit on one side of their lightsaber, and with their jedi outfit on the other side.
 redraw of the scene with moff gideon and the dark saber at the end of the first season of the mandalorian.
 the jon from steam powered giraffe.
 ulysses dies at dawn by the mechanisms.
 the bifrost incident by the mechanisms.
 a propaganda poster based off gunpowder tim vs the moon kaiser by the mechanisms. referenced from world war one era recruitment posters.
|  screenshot redraw from the end of the first episode of red dwarf.
 jerome blake and conrad toyama from battletech.
 redesigned the outfits for the enforcers (ox, montana, and fancy dan) from the spectacular spider-man, with more inspiration from their outfits in the comics.
 frederick foswell/the big man from the early spider-man comics.
 the captain, major natalia, and foster from the battletech game mechassault 2.
 redraw of a screenshot of norman osborn from the spectacular spider-man cartoon.
 redraw of a panel of the sinister six from the first spider-man annual, with their designs changed slightly.
 my design for doctor octopus, with inspiration from the comics, the spectacular spider-man cartoon, and spider-man 2. the patterns in the goggles are based off cephalopod eyes.
 foswell (and the enforcers) (and spider-man) from the spider-man comics.
 mike soup, dr goondis, and the starship minestrone from the hotdaga.
 montaron from baldur's gate 1.
 xzar from baldur's gate 1.
 the curate from the war of the worlds, with mars.
 the curate from the war of the worlds, and beth from the album.
 count dooku from star wars.
 the mandalorian and grogu, in the style of the album cover of spirit phone by lemon demon.
 the jon from steam powered giraffe.
 doctor carmilla and the mechanisms.
 a tree and field in a sunrise, inspired by elysian fields from ulysses dies at dawn by the mechanisms.
gunpowder tim from the mechanisms.